The Company was incorporated in '1964' for manufacturing Specialty Papers at its plant at Pune. The Company has diversified into wide range of specialty papers and several other activities including converted Tissue products, Real Estate development, Information Technology and FMCG products. The Company demerged its paper manufacturing business in January 2016.
The Company currently is in its core business of Real Estate Development at Pune in Maharashtra. The Real Estate development initiative currently comprises of development over 12 acres of land (having about 10 lakh sq.ft. of saleable area) by constructing 7 towers having about 700 residential apartments in its project ‘GREENS’ under a joint venture. Another project ‘GREEN VILLE’ in progress is for construction of residential cum commercial complex having about 2 lakh sq.ft. of saleable area.
with effect from 26th December, 2017, the Registrar of Companies, Pune has approved the change of name of ‘‘Pudumjee Pulp & Paper Mills Limited’ to “AMJ Land Holdings Limited.”
The Company is also engaged in the business of generation and sale of power at its 3 Wind Power Plants having an aggregate generation capacity of 4.6 MW which are located at Satara and Sangli in the State of Maharashtra.
At Pudumjee we foster ownership and entrepreneurship. We believe that only when people are truly empowered, they can be motivated to achieve new heights and create a better future for our Company. At Pudumjee, we are proud to say that we have the best minds in the business. Every member is a leader and an innovator in his/ her own right as they continuously find solutions, better our systems and deal with challenges in the most creative manner.
While providing a conducive work environment, we endeavour to create a dynamic and meritorious organization by recognizing performance and valuing the inputs and outcome of every stakeholder of the company.
To create a dynamic organization with all round development of people, so as to lead themselves and the organization towards sustainability and growth.
To offer value-added products & services to customers and constantly innovate to meet emerging challenges. Minimize the environmental impact through energy conservation, use of renewable energy and adoption of best available technology.
People matter, Results count. Lead yourself, others and the Business.
Mr. Arun Kumar Mahabirprasad Jatia is Promoter & Non-Executive Chairman of the Company. Mr. Jatia is associated with the Pudumjee Group for more than two decades and has contributed towards its growth. Mr. Jatia is B.S. (Finance and Business Economics) from University of Southern California – USA and an Alumni of the Harvard Business School. He has a wide experience in Business Administration and Finance and Foreign Trade for over four decades. Mr. Jatia possesses natural managerial talent with progressive outlook. He also serves as the Director of Pudumjee Paper Products Limited, Thacker And Company Limited, Biodegradable Products India Limited, Chem Mach Private Limited and Suma Commercial Private Limited.
Mr. Surendra Kumar Bansal is Director of the Company since 2005. Mr. Bansal is a Bachelor of Commerce, Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Mr. Bansal is associated with the Pudumjee Group since 1984. He has wide and varied experience in finance, Legal, corporate laws and taxation matters. He also serves as the Director of Thacker And Company Limited, Biodegradable Products India Limited, Pudumjee Paper Products Limited, Fujisan Technologies Limited and AMJ Realty Limited.
Dr. Ashok Kumar is Non-Executive Director of the Company since 2016.Dr. Ashok Kumar is M.E. (Chemical Engineer) and Ph.D. (Pulp Processing)and has wide and varied experience over three decades in the Paper Industry. He also serves as the Director of Pudumjee Paper Products Limited.
Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar was appointed as an Additional Independent Director w.e.f. 30th March, 2024 and subsequently appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director by the shareholders for a term of five years w.e.f 30th March, 2024 till 29th March, 2029 by passing Special Resolution through Postal Ballot on 08th May, 2024. Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar, 67 years, holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce (B.Com) from Pune University and is a Member of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Kolkata (CMA). He possesses extensive experience in Finance and Administration and currently serves as an independent professional/consultant. He also serves as the Director of 3P Land Holdings Limited.
Mrs. Shilpa Bhatia was appointed as an Additional Independent Director w.e.f. 01st November, 2024 and subsequently appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director for a term of 5 years w.e.f. 1st November, 2024 till 31st October, 2029 by passing Special Resolution through Postal Ballot on 11th December, 2024. Mrs. Shilpa Bhatia is an Advocate of High Court of Bombay. She has been practicing for over 24 years and has vast experience in matters relating to Human Resources, Labour and Industrial litigation, sexual harassment investigations and advisory. She has been a Magazine editor of Government Law College, Mumbai and member of Sexual Harassment Committee of Labour & Industrial Tribunal, Mumbai. She also serves as the Director of Bliss GVS Pharma Limited and Aeroflex Industries Limited.
Mr. Tushya Jatia was appointed as an Additional Independent Director w.e.f. 12th August, 2023 and subsequently appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director by the Shareholders for a term of 5 years w.e.f 12th August, 2023 till 11th August, 2028 by passing Special Resolution through Postal Ballot on 16th September, 2023. Mr. Tushya Jatia, son of Mr. Deepak Jatia and Mrs. Anita Jatia, was born on 2nd March 1986. Mr. Tushya Jatia is a Graduate in Finance from H. R. College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai University in 2007 with merits. He further added his qualification in International Business and Marketing from summer School in Berkeley. During the course of studies and thereafter, Mr. Jatia undergone various key projects with reputed organizations, such as, McDowells Ltd., Asian Paints Ltd. and M/s. Narkar Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai to gain knowledge of finance, auditing and business administrations. Mr. Jatia began his career in 2008 as an Executive Director with Associated Stone Industries (Kotah) Ltd. which is the only Company in the organized sector in natural stone, known as KOTAH STONE worldwide. The mining area of the Company is spread in apprx. 10 Sq. Kms and quarrying about 15.00 million Sq. meters Kotah Stone. Mr. Jatia was deeply involved in the Company’s day-to-day functions and under his stewardship, the Company achieved new heights in terms of production and turnover. Mr. Jatia has travelled widely on various businesses, assignments to Europe, American and Asian countries. He has helped in mechanizing the mines and translating innovative ideas into practice. Mr. Jatia is a sports lover and played football and cricket at Inter-school and inter-college level. He has also participated in Pravaah an inter-collegiate sports festival. Other than the sports, he has been awarded as the Best Class Representative of the year 2004 during his college studies. He also serves as the Director of Pioneer Investcorp Limited, ASI Industries Limited and Stone Masters (India) Pvt. Limited. Additionally, he is a Designated Partner at Luminous Infraprojects LLP and Manorama Advisors LLP.
Compliance report under Clause 49
Fairness Opinion given by Merchant banker
Report from Audit Committee recommending the scheme
Scheme of demerger
Share Holding Pattern of PPPML
Share Holding Pattern pre & post of demerger of Unlisted Co.
Valuation Report by Independent Chartered Accountant
Share Holding Pattern
Share Holding Pattern of PIL
Share Holding Pattern Transferor & Transferee Company
BSE Complaint Report
NSE Complaint Report
Undertaking with CA Certificates
NSE Observation Letter
Observation Letter – BSE
Observation Letter – PSE
PPPML - Notice_Court Convened Meeting Shareholders
PPPML - Notice_Court Convened Meeting of Secured Creditors Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
PPPML - Secured Creditors Meeting – BSE
PPPML Secured Creditors Meeting - NSE
PPPML - Court Convened Meeting Proceedings
PPPML-OutcomeofHighCourtOrder - NSE
PPPML – Out come of High Court Order – BSE-090116
PPPML - Authenticated Order - NSE
PPPML - Intimation Effective Date
PPPML - Record Date Intimation
PPPML - Cost of Acquisition
2010-11 Annual Report, PDF
2011-12 Annual Report, PDF
2012-13 Annual Report, PDF
2013-14 Annual Report, PDF
2014-15 Quarterly Report, PDF
2014-15 Quarterly Report, PDF
2014-15 Quarterly Report, PDF
PPPML_June 2015 PDF
PPPML_Form A & Annual Report 2014-15 PDF
2014-15 Quarterly Report- Sept 2015
Financial Results Dec 2015
PPPML - Financial Results - March 16
PPPML - Financial Results - June 16
PPPML - Annual Report - 2015-16
PIFCO - Annual Report - 2015-16
PPPML - Financial Result - Sept 2016
PPPML - Financial Results - Dec 2016
PPPML - Financial Results - March 2017
PPPML Annual Report - 2016-17
PIFCO Annual Report - 2016-17
PPPML-Financial Results-June-2017
PPPML- Financial Results Quarter and Half Year ended September 2017
AMJ Financial Results Quarter & Nine Months Ended December 2017
AMJ-Financial Results-March 2018
AMJ Annual Report - 2017-18
PIFCO Annual Report - 2017-18
AMJ- Financial Results June 2018
AMJ Financial Results-September 2018
AMJ Financial Results-December 2018
AMJ Financial Results-March 2019
AMJ Annual Report - 2018-19
AMJ - MGT - 9 Extract of Annual Return 2018-19
PIFCO Annual Report - 2018-19
AMJ Financial Results-June 2019
AMJ_Financial Results_30 September 2019
AMJ_Financial Results_31.12.2019
AMJ Land-Annual Report 2019-20
AMJLAND -Extract of the Annual Return-31.03.2020
AMJ-Financial Results-June,2020
PIFCO Annual Report - 2019-20
AMJ-Financial Results - September, 2020
AMJ-Financial Results-December,2020
AMJ-Financial Results-29.05.2021
AMJ-Annual Report-2020-21
AMJ-Financial Results-June, 2021
AMJ-Financial Results-September-2021
AMJ-Financial Results-December-2021
AMJ-Financial Results-March, 2022
AMJ-Annual Report 2021-22
AMJ Realty Limited - Annual Report - 2021-2022
AMJ-Financial Results-June, 2022
AMJ Land-MGT-7-2021-2022
AMJ-Financial Results-September, 2022
AMJ-Financial Results-December 2022
AMJ-Financial Results-March, 2023
AMJ - Annual Report 2022-23
AMJ Realty Limited - Annual Report - 2022-2023
AMJ-Financial Results-June, 2023
AMJ Land-MGT-7-2022-2023
AMJ-Financial Results-September, 2023
AMJ-Financial Results-December, 2023
AMJ-Financial Results-March, 2024
AMJ-Draft - Annual Return for Financial Year 2023-2024
AMJ-Annual Report-2023-24
AMJ Realty Limited - Annual Report-2023-24
AMJ-Financial Results-June, 2024
AMJ-Financial Results, September 2024
AMJ-Financial Results, December, 2024
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting E Voting Report
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice of Extra Ordinary Meeting
Postal Ballot Form
Postal Ballot Notice
Postal Ballot Report
Results of E Voting
Scrutinizers report
Independent Directors - Letters of Appointment
PPPML - 50th Annual General Meetng Notice
Public Notice of 50th AGM (English & Marathi) – 2015
Pudumjee - 50th AGM – Report of Scrutinizer-MGT 13 – Consolidated
Independent Directors - Letters of Appointment – Preeti Mehta
PPPML - CorpGovernance - Dec 2015
PPPML - BM Notice
PPPML - BSE Statement of Investors Compliant
PPPML - Auth. KMPs to determine materiality of Events
PPPML - Regulation 30(12) SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
PPPML - Financial of PPPML Dec-2015
PPPML - Press Release - 24-02-2016
PPPML - Corp Gov March 2016
PPPML - Reconciliation of Shares March-2016
PPPML - Investors Complainsts
PPPML - NSESHP 31-03-2016
PPPML - Regulation 40(9) March-2016
PPPML - 7(3) certificate
PPPML - Board Meeting Notice - 28-05-2016
PPPML - Q1 Investors Compliants -2016-17
PPPML - BM Notice - 29-07-16
PPPML - GCorp - Announcement
PPPML - NSE - CG - 30-06-16
PPPML - Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.06.16
PPPML - Disclosure For MOU - 29-07-16
PPPML - Disclosure For Proposed Merger of PIFCO - 29-07-16
PPPML - Chairman's Declaration - Voting Result - 51st AGM
PPPML - Reg40(9)-30-09-16
PPPML - BMNotice-05-11-16
PPPML - BMNotice-04-02-17
PPPML - CorpGover20-15-16
PPPML - NewsPaperAdvt-BSE-NSE
PPPML - ReconciliationReport-30-09-16
PPPML - Reg7(3)Final
PPPML - Reg13(3)-InvComp-06-10-16
PPPML - VotingResults-17-09-16
The paid up share capital of the Company is Rs. 820 Lacs divided into 410 Lacs shares of Rs. 2 each.
The equity shares are listed on the following Stock Exchanges:
Stock Exchange | : Stock Code |
Mumbai | : 500343 |
National Stock Exchange | : AMJLAND |
Trading in equity shares of the company by all investors is permitted only in dematerialized form.
KFin Technologies Limited
Contact person: Mr. S.V.Raju. / Mr. Mohan A.
Selenium Building,
Tower B,Plot No 31 & 32,
Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot No. 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Telangana, India- 500032
Email ID | : |
Toll Free/Phone Number | : 1800 309 4001 |
WhatsApp Number | : (91) 910 009 4099 |
KPRISM (Mobile Application) | : |
KFINTECH Corporate Website | : |
RTA Website | : |
Investor Support Center (DIY Link) | : https://ris/ |
Thergaon, Chinchwad, PUNE 411 033.
Phone | : +91 20 3061 3333 |
Fax | : +91 20 2727 3294 / 3061 3388 |
The Nodal Officer is Mr. Chinmay Pitre.
He can be contacted at, Dedicated E-Mail ID for Investor’s Complaints: –
Pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement and Reconstruction (Demerger) between Pudumjee Pulp & Paper Mills Limited (PPPM) and Pudumjee Industries Limited (PIL) and Pudumjee Hygiene Products Limited (PHPL) and Pudumjee Paper Products Limited (PPPL) and their respective Shareholders and Creditors, all the fixed deposits of PPPM have been transferred to Pudumjee Paper Products Limited (PPPL) vide order of Hon’ble Bombay High Court dated 08-Jan-2016
Name: Mr. Chinmay Pitre E-mail id:
The Board has appointed few Committees of its Members some of which are in compliance of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and others are to fulfill the exigencies of the business needs::
Audit Committee:
The Committee is constituted mainly to ensure that the financial reporting process is in a proper, sufficient and credible manner, recommending the appointment of statutory and internal auditors, reviewing the periodical and annual financial statements, internal control and audit systems, monitoring vigil mechanism laid down by the Board and various functions laid down under the Companies Act/Corporate Governance norms. The Committee comprises of Mr. A. K. Jatia, Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar (Chairman), Mr. Tushya Jatia.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
The Committee reviews and determines the Company’s policy regarding remuneration payable to the Managing and Whole-time Directors and other Senior Employees and also recommending the appointment of the Directors on the Board. The Committee comprises of Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar, Mr. A. K. Jatia and Mr. Tushya Jatia.
Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee:
The Committee reviews the complaints/grievances of Shareholders/Investors/fixed deposit holders, redressal thereof and correspondence with SEBI. The Committee comprises of Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar (Chairman), Mr. A. K. Jatia and Mr. S. K. Bansal..
Investment & Borrowing Committee:
The Committee authorizes making of investments/ICDs and the borrowings from lenders including Banks and other persons within the limits prescribed by the Board/Companies Act. The Committee comprises of Mr. A. K. Jatia and Mr. S. K. Bansal.
CSR Committee:
The Committee is entrusted with the task to evaluate and recommend to the Board the expenditure to be made within the framework of the Companies Act on the CSR activities and take a review thereof. The Committee comprises of Mr. A. K. Jatia, Mr. S. K. Bansal and Mr. Sudhir Duppaliwar.
Share Transfer Committee:
The Committee deals with the approval of the transfer and transmission of securities of the Company and matters concerned thereto. The Committee comprises of Mr. A. K. Jatia, Mr. S. K. Bansal and Dr. Ashok Kumar.
Criteria for Selection of Candidates for Senior Management and Members on the Board of Directors
AMJLAND-Policy on Board Diversity of the Company
AMJLAND-Policy on evaluation of Performance of Directors and the Board
Policy on Related Party Transactions
Corporate Social Responsibility
Familiarisation programme for independent Directors.
AMJ Land - Insider Trading Policy
Policy for Determining Material Subsidiary
AMJLand-Policy on Determination of Materiality for Disclosures
AMJLAND-Policy on Preservation of Documents
We have a commitment towards the society of being a responsible entity and we fulfill the same by conducting business in a responsible way. An organization can sustain in the long run only by creating value for their customers in the long term, by monitoring intangible performances in terms of social and ecological scenarios and by paying attention to their stakeholders.
The vitality of education in our lives cannot be taken lightly and the more one shares, the better it is for everyone. Education plays an important role in shaping an individual’s career and is undoubtedly, both socially & personally essential. However, it is not absolutely possible for institutes to reach out to people residing in the rural parts of our country. The Pudumjee Group as a part of this economy has a crucial responsibility to cater to this issue as an entity with the capability to do so.
Better education carves a person to be more civilized and productive towards the society and the company is making sure of the same happening on its end by being actively involved with charitable trusts all around India. The main areas our group is involved in are providing education facilities, improving the existing facilities for the same & help build the infrastructure for education and in the medical sector as well, especially in the rural parts of India.
We are happy to answer any queries about our organisation. Please leave us
a message and someone will be in touch shortly.
Jatia Chambers
60, Dr. V.B. Gandhi Marg
Fort, Mumbai - 400 023
Pune - 411 033
91-20-30613333 / 40773333